Kale, 4 cup, chopped
Water, tap, 2 cups
White Miso, 2 tbsp
Red Star Nutritional Yeast, 2 tbsp
Garlic powder, 1 tbsp
Paprika, 1 tbsp
Onion powder, 1 tbsp
Pepper, red or cayenne, 1 tbsp (optional)
Black Pepper (Ground), 1 tsp
Wash the kale and cut the leaves off (you can leave them big or make them into smaller pieces).
In a large bowl (preferably one that is shallow) mix all of the other ingredients. If you are using a dehydrator make sure you are using sheets or parchment paper. If you are using the oven then use a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
Take a leaf and run it through the liquid mixture then put it on the tray. Once you have filled a tray sprinkle more nutritional yeast and drip a bit of the marinade over the kale.
Let them dehydrate for 3 - 4 hours on 115 if you want them crispier leave longer, I like to have each tray go for about 5 - 6 hours. If you are using a dehydrator without the temp control like mine make sure to rotate the trays every few hours to make sure they are even. If you are using the oven set it at the lowest temperature you have and crack the oven door open.
Number of Servings: 25 or 1 depending on how much willpower you have